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by Astrology Junction

Birthday: June 21 - July 22
Known as: The Crab
Zodiac Sign: 4th
Zodiac Element: Water

Cancer is the 4th sign of the zodiac. This sign is known to be very honest, loving, emotional, and especially internal. Being that Cancer is ruled by the Moon, this zodiac sign is filled with emotion. They are ones who don't forget the past. Some people may "forgive, but not forget" in life, but a Cancer is one who doesn't actually forgive or forget. They will always remember, and they will ignore the subject and internalize it.

Although they are booming with both good and bad emotions inside, they often don't open up to anyone. They keep everything inside, and this may seem to others as if they aren't as sensitive as they really can be. Internalizing too many things can make a Cancer release their emotions through bad habits, such as drinking or using narcotics.

This zodiac sign is known to be very bright and honest. They can be very argumentative with a passion at times, but they love fairness in any matter. In love matters they tend to be very traditional and strict.

Cancer is known to be very intelligent. Letting others know how they feel and what they're thinking will help them not fall into a bad path in life.

Famous celebs born under Cancer: Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande, Jaden Smith, Keven Hart, Tom Cruise, Vin Diesel, Ashley Tisdale, Khloe Kardashian, Lana Del Rey, Will Ferrell.

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