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by Astrology Junction

Birthday: March 21 - April 19
Known as: The Ram
Zodiac Sign: 1st
Zodiac Element: Fire

Aries is known to be the youngest of all the zodiac signs. Aries is a great lover, the life of the party, enthusiastic, and very outgoing. Aries is young and youthful in many ways. They tend to do things on impulse. This can sometimes impact them for the worst, but they will end up learning from all their mistakes.

Aries loves to be surrounded by friends. They are likely to follow their own path in life, make their own rules, and this can lead to them running their own business. Because this zodiac sign is very light and easy to talk to, they are likely to have loyal friends and many trusted clients/leads in work.

Aries is known to have very little patience. They don't like waiting, they are signs that need speed! They love to mix up their lives with different events as they can get bored often.

Aries has qualities that can both benefit them and harm them in life. It's how they level things out. At times one born under the zodiac sign of Aries needs to take the time to think before acting on impulse.

Famous celebs born under Aries: Emma Watson, Lady Gaga, Jessie J, Christian Collins, Kristen Steward, The Undertaker, Randy Ortan, Jamie Lynn Spears, Kourtney Kardashian, Mariah Carey, Jackie Chan.

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