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Jupiter in Astrology

by Vassilis Papadolias
NewAgeAstrology English Facebook group

Jupiter in Astrology, by Vassilis Papadolias

With Jupiter we enter the realm of the social planets. We call them social because they have to do mainly with the organization of human society and less with our individual behavior. These planets differentiate us from animals as they symbolize additional instincts found only in humans. These planets are Jupiter and Saturn.

Jupiter’s symbol puts the soul over the cross of matter. The soul turns to the left, to the fellow man, and not upwards to the spirit. This encourages the development of relations of society and finds them more important than material relations. Within this context is the development of non-material linkages, such as culture. Trying to expand our horizons and our perception, the search for the meaning of life and perception beyond the material, as well as a tendency to find principles behind phenomena and unifying models are all part of this instinct. It is the instinct of the man wanting to explain the world. Why do we live? Why did we come here?

It is also associated with people who promote our spirituality, give us optimism and open our horizons. It corresponds to the godfathers of children, to relatives of the parents, to uncles and teachers. It symbolizes the guidance of our souls. It is both a student and a professor, as both are trying to expand their understanding. It is also related to any belief systems, to justice, higher education and travel.

As a person or profession it is the priest, the philosopher, the aristocrat, the official, the notary, the judge, the lawyer, the teacher, the politician, the guru, the practitioners of sports, the traveler, the guide, the author, the scholar, the sociologist, the godfather, the uncle and the dynamic man of the first middle-age, the investor, the counselor, the godfather of the child.

As a location Jupiter is associated with areas of public relations, such as the living room of our house, but also with areas of intellectual activity, such as churches, cultural centers, etc. It is also featuring judicial power.

In mundane astrology Jupiter rules political parties, churches, government institutions, higher education, airports, stock exchanges and the enactment of laws.

Some of Jupiter's characteristics are:

  • It belongs to the element of the Fire
  • It rules Sagittarius and Pisces (traditionally)
  • Its day is Thursday
  • Its metal is tin
  • Its color is violet
  • Its musical note is the SI
  • Its body part is the liver (and thighs)
  • Its ancient god is Zeus
  • It’s a male planet
  • Its manifests mostly at middle age (40-50)

From a psychological point of view, the social planets symbolize trends presented for the first time in human kind and not in the animal kingdom. Jupiter represents the spontaneous tendency of man to spiritual contemplation, to search for the more than life, searching for the soul and the moral good and evil as resulting from spiritual teachings and not only by the need for cohabitation and material-social conditions, denoted from Venus (although these two often work together). In seeking spiritual contemplation, Jupiter searches on and on, contributing to continued expansion of knowledge, insight, perception and spiritual horizon.

The continuous expansion, of course, means lack of time to organize and structure; it also means disregarding the objective limitations, an overstatement of forces and exaggeration. This excess Saturn will come later to counterpart. The dipole of Jupiter and Saturn is the third masculine/feminine dipole after the Sun/Moon and Mars/Venus. Jupiter in this dipole is the "feminine" meditating nature of life, the spontaneous sympathy towards religion and teachers, the understanding to the mental needs of family members, the need for morale, etc.

Positive attributes: Transmissibility, deep study, evolution, morality, justice, luck, philosophy, idealism, religion, law in the sense of fairness, protection, expansion, multiplication, pleasure, opportunities, higher education, optimism, searching, truth, knowledge, education and extension as a development, the search for meaning, the development of culture, the broadness of horizons, the exploration of faith, enthusiasm, perspective, curiosity for learning.

Negative qualities: fanaticism, identification with ideologies, bigotry, theory without practice, overextension, exaggeration, extravagance, laziness, avoidance of responsibility, waste, irresponsibility, optimism, nationalism.

This article copyright © 2013 Vassilis Papadolias. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission prohibited.

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Vassilis Papadolias
Vassilis Papadolias, born in 1971, is a professional computer analyst and astrologer. He started working as a professional astrologer in 2009 after some ten years of being an editor in various astrology forums, including, the Greek Forum of Astrodienst, and Since 2009 he is also a publisher, publishing books for astrology students and a three-month astrology review (NewAgeAstrology English) along with other fellow astrologers.
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