Links to National and International Astrological Organizations
15 listings in this category
Displaying items 1 - 15
American Federation of Astrologers (AFA)
The AFA was founded in 1938. Among its goals are to promote astrology through research, teaching, lecturing and practice; to advocate freedom of thought and speech concerning astrology; and to establish a high standard of professional ethics.
Association for Young Astrologers (AYA)
AYA is committed to providing educational and networking opportunities for anyone interested in astrology, with a focus on outreach to young people discovering astrology.
Astrological Society of South Africa (ASSA)
The mission of The Astrological Society of South Africa (ASSA) is to provide a network for astrologers who wish to share their knowledge with colleagues as well as with the layman.
C*I*A (Cosmic Intelligence Agency)
The Cosmic Intelligence Agency, founded in 2005 aims to awaken a deep sense of participation with the cosmos in which we are embedded. The goal of the Agency is to promote an understanding of humanity’s ever-present cosmic connectedness. Our mission is to join with and encourage like-minded individuals who seek to actively understand and consciously interact with the unfolding universe.
Council of Vedic Astrology
The Council of Vedic Astrology is a non-profit trade organization whose mission is to promote the art and practice of Vedic astrology.
Federation of Australian Astrologers, Inc. (FAA)
The Federation of Australian Astrologers (FAA) represents a group of people dedicated to the astrological principles of education and research. Incorporated in 1995, it is a non-profit, non-sectarian and non-political body.
Organization for Professional Astrology (OPA)
The OPA is a group of astrologers from around the world who strive to create a better life for professional astrologers, develop a career path for people wishing to become professional astrologers, and improve the reputation of our craft.
Союз Профессиональных Астрологов
СПА — некоммерческая организация созданная астрологами и для астрологов. Членами СПА могут быть физические и юридические лица, признающие положения Устава и выполняющий его требования. Прием в СПА производится на основании Положения о приеме в СПА.
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