Links to Local Astrological Organizations
32 listings in this category
Displaying items 1 - 25
Aquarian Organization of Astrologers Kansas City
Kansas City, Missouri, USA. The Aquarian Organization of Astrologers Kansas City (AOA) was started in 1973. The AOA's mission is to provide service to the Kansas City community of astrology enthusiasts. The AOA offers opportunities for its members to come together and make new friends, learn and grow together.
Aquarius Severn Astrology Society
Cheltenham, United Kingdom. Since 1981, Aquarius Severn has provided a forum for astrology and related subjects, encouraging exchange of ideas, learning and an exploration of the nature and meaning of astrology.
Arizona Society of Astrologers
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. ASA Meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month in Scottsdale: FREE Astrology Class: 12:30pm - 1:00pm Hermes Half-Hour: 1:00pm - 1:30pm Main Workshop: 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Astro-Club Zürich
Zurich, Switzerland. Der ASTRO-CLUB ZÜRICH setzt sich zum Ziel, den an Astrologie Interessierten eine Möglichkeit zum Gedankenaustausch und zur Weiterbildung anzubieten. Dabei ist der Verein an keine bestimmte astrologische Schule oder Betrachtungsweise gebunden. Gerade die Vielfältigkeit der Herkunft des astrologischen Wissens unserer Vereinsmitglieder führt zu interessanten Diskussionen. Das astrologische Wissensspektrum unserer Mitglieder reicht von Anfänger/-innen bis zu professionellen Berater/-innen.
Astrological Association of St. Louis
St. Louis, Missouri, USA. We gather on the second Sunday of each month from 2:00 to 5:00 pm (unless otherwise noted) at the Brentwood Community Center: 2505 South Brentwood Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63144. Attendees may arrive anytime after 1:30pm for a half-hour of socializing before our monthly program begins at 2pm.
Astrological Lodge of London
London, United Kingdom. Founded in 1915 by Alan Leo for the study of astrology, the Lodge provides a weekly focus for a dynamic and lively community of astrologers.
Astrological Society of Austin
Austin, Texas, USA. The Astrological Society of Austin (ASA) is dedicated to building community through the promotion of the study of astrology in Central Texas.
Astrological Society of Connecticut
Hartford, Connecticut, USA. The Astrological Society of Connecticut was founded October 17, 1972, in Hartford, Connecticut. The ASC is a non-profit organization, dedicated to educating people interested in astrology. Since its inception in 1972, the ASC has grown to become one of the largest and most active local astrological organizations in the United States.
Astrological Society of Kentucky
Louisville, Kentucky, USA. Our goal is to increase community understanding of astrology through lectures, workshops, discussions and research.
Astrological Society of Princeton
Princeton, New Jersey, USA. The Astrological Society of Princeton was founded in 1972 to provide opportunities for the advancement of astrology by means of regular meetings, lectures, classes, and publications. Currently, the Society holds regular monthly meetings, bringing to the Princeton area a variety of nationally and internationally known speakers. An active educational program offers classes and workshops given by the faculty of A.S.P. and by distinguished guests.
Astrology Association of NSW
Drummoyne, New South Wales, Australia. The Astrology Association of NSW Inc is an incorporated not-for-profit association that aims to encourage cooperation and contact between astrologers. To further this aim the AANSW arranges seminars, meetings, conferences and other activities to enable discussion of issues in astrology.
Astrology Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Astrology Toronto seeks to educate and promote research in astrology; raise the level of knowledge, insight and professional competence among our members; further public understanding of astrology; facilitate communications between AT and other astrological organizations; foster the sharing of astrological resources and information.
Atlantic Professional Astrologers' Association
We are a professional organization of certified astrologers, upgrading astrologers and lovers of astrology, based in Eastern North America. Our goal is to offer support to our professional members and reassurance of professional competence to our members’ clients in French and English. Nous sommes une organisation professionnelle d’astrologues certifiés, de modernistes et d’amoureux de l’astrologie, basés dans l’est de l’Amérique du Nord. On a comme but d’offrir un soutien professionnel tel en français comme en anglais.
Baltimore Astrological Society
Baltimore, Maryland, USA. We are a chapter of The National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) whose mission is to build community through astrological research and education. We focus on education and self-awareness through lectures and workshops.
Denver Astrology Group
Denver, Colorado, USA. The Denver Astrology group is a local astrological organization that holds meetings each month in Denver, Colorado. Meetings are always held on the second Saturday of each month from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM at the Mercury Cafe, which is located at 2199 California Street.
Edmonton Astrological Society
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. E.A.S. meetings are held on the second Friday of every month from October to May. In mid-June and September we hold our annual astrological weekends. Our meetings are open to members and guests. First-time guests are admitted free, subsequent attendance is $5.00 per person. Shared experience and learning at every level of astrological expertise has long been the hallmark of these informal meetings. We welcome new members.
Federation of Australian Astrologers Western Australia
Perth, Western Australia, Australia. The FAAWA's aims are to provide opportunities for astrologers to develop their expertise; raise the professional standard of astrology in WA for the benefit of all; raise the profile of professional astrology in WA; provide a reliable central point of astrological contact for the community in WA; provide social networking opportunities for WA astrologers and the community; have fun and enjoy camaraderie with other like-minded people.
Fraser Valley Astrological Guild
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The Guild is formed of a group of people interested in astrology and talking with like-minded individuals. Some of us are professionals in the field, others students and hobbyists. Everyone is welcome to attend our talks and workshops.
Friends of Astrology
Chicago and Oakbrook, Illinois, USA. Come meet our Chicagoland Astrology group! We offer educational lectures TWICE a month. Meetings start at 7:30 PM are at the following locations: Midwest Plaza South, 2021 Midwest Road, OAKBROOK, IL 60523, lower level; and Irish American Heritage Center, 4626 N. Knox Avenue, CHICAGO, IL 60630, Room 304, on the 3rd floor.
Houston Astrological Society
Houston, Texas, USA. An organization for the promotion, education and study of astrology. We are comprised of teachers, students, researchers and seekers. There are bi-monthly meetings including a guest speaker as well as information on classes, workshops and conferences.
Metropolitan Atlanta Astrological Society
Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The Society is open to everyone interested in astrology. Our membership includes professionals, beginners, serious students and those who are simply interested in astrology. M.A.A.S. meets on the third Saturday of each month at 12 Noon at Harobi House. At our meeting, we have a lecture or panel discussion presented by a different speaker each month on a wide variety of specialized subjects related to astrology.
NCGR Local Chapters
Various locations worldwide. The National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) is organized into a large number of local chapters around the world. This page allows you to find a chapter in your area.
Rocky Mountain Astrologers (ROMA)
Boulder, Colorado, USA. The purpose of ROMA is to increase our members’ knowledge of astrology through education and fellowship. ROMA encourages the exploration of different areas of astrological interest, promotes an understanding of astrology throughout the community, and provides opportunities to meet and study with professional astrologers.
San Diego Astrological Society
San Diego, California, USA. The purpose of the San Diego Astrological Society shall be to promote the art and science of astrology through education and research, and the dissemination of information to the public for a better understanding of the principles and purposes of astrology, and to encourage ethical practices, to elevate the standard of our craft, and to cultivate a sense of unity among all astrologers.
San Francisco Astrological Society
San Francisco, California, USA. SFAS invites you to join us on the last Thursday of the month for a lively astrological presentation, discussion, and excellent company. Meetings start promptly at 7:30 p.m. Meeting location: The Women's Building 3543 18th St., (between Valencia & Guerrero) San Francisco, CA, 94110
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