Today's Lunar Aspects: March 19, 2025, from
March 19, 2025
Today is Productive
Times are GMT
6:02am - Moon trine Saturn:
An ideal time for bringing pet projects to fruition. Express desires and emotions in a practical way.
8:38am - Moon opposite Uranus:
Partners can be difficult, unpredictable, or even deliberately hurtful. Avoid conflict if possible, or try to minimize it if you can't avoid it.
7:07pm - Moon trine Sun:
Creative juices flow, bringing feelings down into a tangible form. Kick back and relax.
7:28pm - Moon trine Neptune:
Your idealism surges, but you may be just a little disappointed that your dreams are not yet reality.
8:16pm - Moon enters Sagittarius
The lunar aspects and Moon-sign changes give a quick read of the overall tone of the day. The exact time of each aspect shows when that trend "peaks" for the day. Times are GMT.
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