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Current Planetary Positions

April 29, 2024
3:20 pm GMT

Sun: 09 Taurus 48
Moon: 16 Capricorn 27
Mercury: 16 Aries 40
Venus: 00 Taurus 12
Mars: 29 Pisces 13
Jupiter: 23 Taurus 48
Saturn: 16 Pisces 31
Uranus: 22 Taurus 19
Neptune: 28 Pisces 54
Pluto: 02 Aquarius 06
Fire: 1 Cardinal: 2
Earth: 5 Fixed: 5
Air: 1 Mutable: 3
Water: 3



The planets in astrology represent the forces in nature that make things happen. Their locations in the various signs of the zodiac, and their relationships to each other, show the types of actions and events that are happening in the life of an individual person, or in the world at large.

You can read more about the planets and their meanings in our Astrology Primers section and in our Planets Slideshow.

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