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Today's Lunar Aspects
November 10, 2024

Today is Neutral  

Current time: 09:06 am GMT
Times are GMT

12:23am - Moon sextile Venus:
Decorating, art, music, and other creative activities come to the fore. Open your heart to inspiration.

3:59am - Moon enters Pisces

10:19pm - Moon square Mercury:
Emotions conflict with logic, pulling you in two directions. You're likely to speak without thinking -- and it may come back to haunt you.

The lunar aspects and Moon-sign changes give a quick read of the overall tone of the day. The exact time of each aspect shows when that trend "peaks" for the day. All times are given in GMT.

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Current Planetary Positions
November 10, 2024
09:06 am GMT

Sun: 18 Scorpio 28
Moon: 02 Pisces 58
Mercury: 10 Sagittarius 03
Venus: 28 Sagittarius 21
Mars: 01 Leo 58
Jupiter: 19 Gemini 40 Rx
Saturn: 12 Pisces 43 Rx
Uranus: 25 Taurus 31 Rx
Neptune: 27 Pisces 21 Rx
Pluto: 29 Capricorn 51

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Current Moon Phase
November 10, 2024
09:06 am GMT

Waxing Gibbous

Sun-Moon angle: 104° 31'
Aspect: No major aspect

Waxing Gibbous

A service of provides information and services for astrologers and those who are interested in astrology.

Today's Lunar Aspects displays the times for the Moon's aspects to each of the planets over the course of the current day. In addition, there is a brief interpretation of what that aspect means astrologically. This interpretation illustrates the types of energies you can expect to be present around that time. (Note that all times are given in GMT.)

Current Planetary Positions provides a real-time summary of where the planets are located in the signs of the zodiac. You can find more-detailed planetary position information at our sister site, We also provide here at our site an Ephemeris Calculator, which enables you to calculate all of the planets' positions for a month at a time for virtually any month in history.

Current Moon Phase shows the current phase of the Moon, along with the precise angle between the Sun and the Moon along the zodiac, and the name of the Sun-Moon aspect, if any.

We also provide links to other astrology-related sites, where you can find lots of other information about astrology; Astrology Primers, which give bite-sized beginner lessons on a variety of astrological topics; Free Astrology E-books, where you can download a variety of astrological books for free; and our True Soulmate Quiz, which is a fun way to see what zodiac sign you might be most compatible with.

Other services include Personal Chart Reports, including natal chart interpretations, transit forecasts, and compatibility interpretations.

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